Story Of Jhumura And Baghaa

Once there was a huge forest. Inside this forest, there was a big cave, where lived a tiger named Baghaa.

A herd of goats from a nearby village went to that forest to graze grass with their herder.

One day due to heavy lightning and thunderstorms the herder, went back to the village hastily, leaving the goats on their own in the dangerous forest.

All the goats could trace their way back to the village safely, following the footmarks of the herder, except one.
Jhumura, the goat that was left out, took asylum in the cave of Baghaa. Suddenly Baghaa returned. He could sense the new visitor & asked: Who is there? Jhumura replied with a louder voice: WHO IS THERE? Baghaa said: I am tiger. Jhumura was frightened but replied: I AM SUPER TIGER

Hearing this and the sound of bell, tied around Jhumura's neck Baghaa got frightened and ran away. On the way Baghaa met with a jackal,Jakiaa and narrated the incident.

Intrigued, Jakiaa went to the cave with Baghaa. Again, the same thing happened. Jhumura roared I AM SUPER TIGER. Now both were scared and started running away after seeing the shadow of Jhumura and hearing the strange bell sound.

After sometime Jhumura came out and reached the herder in village, safely.

  Moral: We can face most complicated situations and come out successfully if we used our brain appropriately.

This is a tribal story of Hill Kharias.

REFERENCES:Various Sources

IMAGE REFERENCES:The photos uploaded to the website are collected from various internet sources. ODISHA Tales doesn't own any photos.Thanks to Everyone who clicked these photos.

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