Rubelal Pradhan

Rubelal Pradhan is the second child of Raghunath Pradhan and Kumudini Pradhan of Kurumtap village, Athamallick block, Angul district. He is a man who has tried his best to make the traditions and culture of Odisha and India famous in the world. He is known for sand animation art, wall painting, metal art, rexin art and weakness for sand art.

When did you realise having interest in sand art?
Since childhood, I had interest in creating sandcastles. After matriculation, this interest changed into passion and I am still working on it.

Who has been your inspiration behind this?
I got inspired from the famous artist Pradyumna Kumar Mahandia who is from interest doubled after I met my teacher, Jitendra Maharana. In the later period, guru Sudam Pradhan has extended all his supports and uplifted my spirit.

Would you like to briefly describe how to make a sand art?
To give a lively appearance to the wet sand is called sand art. It requires a lot of patience. Sometimes it breaks and thus one needs to give more efforts to make a successful sand art.

Kindly introduce us to your first sand art, the location where you made it and the topic you chose to describe through it.
After practising at the Puri seabeach, I made my first sand art at the Athamallick Mahotsav Jharjhari. I also made another art named “Sundar mo Athamallick” which included the famous tourist destination Binikei, the temple of Maa Maheshwari and the hotspring Deulajhari. However, everything got ruined because of heavy rain showers and withless time left, I had to make those again

Which topics have you tried to cover though your sand art till date?
More than hundred ideas including cancer awareness, safety of wild animals, blood donation and different awareness programmes have been covered.

You are also famous for sand animations. Enlighten us with something regarding that.
Different ideas shown on a light reflecting glass platform is called sand animation art.

Which of the sand art and animation you have made till date is your favourite? Have you ever performed outside Odisha? Also let us know about any awards that you have received outside.
I have performed in a number of states other than Odisha. The one I made for Durga Puja in West Bengal with the idea of "Save Environmental" is special. It was different because it was a 20 feet high sand art and I received a lot of praises from the localites.

Tell us something about your favourite Odia food, Odia song, Odia music, Odia singer and Odia movie.
My favourite Odia dish is water rice or pakhala and chicken kasa. I love to listen to Arabinda Muduli.

Which is your favourite tourist destination in Odisha? Let us know about some memories related to this place.
My favourite destination place is Jagannath dham Puri because of its spiritual atmosphere.

How do you like to spend your leisure time?
During my leisure, I love to learn about the new technology and artistic ways through youtube videos and discuss them with my friends.

What is your favourite childhood game?
I loved playing Kabaddi during my childhood days.

Which famous personality of Odisha has influenced your life and why?
I have admired the struggling life, dedicated efforts and foreign cycle tour of P.K. Mahanandia. His devotion towards art has influenced me to make myself a successful man and I have been trying to do that.

Which is your favourite Odia book and your favourite writer?
My favourite book is Chaa mana atha guntha and favourite writer is Fakir Mohan Senapati.

Do you have any plans of gathering some sand artists of Odisha and create a big sand art?
Yes. I have made a number of kalakritis at the Satakosia gorge near Binikei. I have planned to make something new at this place after gathering some sand artists. However, this requires some help from the government too.

Tell us something about your Dream Odisha 2050.
To spread awareness through art, bring psychological changes and create a golden Odisha is my dream.

Have you ever tried to show any historical event or life history of any great personality through sand animation?
I have shown the life histories of a number of great personalities through sand art. Sardar Patel’s animation got praises from all over the world. I also aim to show various historical events through sand animations.

Tell us something about your birthplace.
My birthplace, my village is located at the foothills of panchadhara mountains. I have grown up playing in its lap, got love from my elder brother.

Do you have interest in anything other than sand art? Apart from sand art, I love to cook. I also like to do some creative work in my leisure times.

The last question. If you get to travel back in time, what would you like to enjoy again?
If ever I get to travel back in time, I would love to enjoy the times spent in my high school.

REFERENCES:Various Sources

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